• (717) 801-1518
  • info@chasingtherainbows.org
  • Virtual for families throughout the USA

2023 Board of Directors

More People. More Impact.


Co-Chair - Walter Carr, Pfizer and Harley Davidson Motor Co., Retired
Co-Chair - Katherine Gruver, Director of Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)
Treasurer - Travis Gentzler, Chief Executive Officer of Weldon Solutions
Secretary - Tiffani Kleiser, Director at Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Board Members Serving Our Community

Serena Wu, MD, FACOG, Maternal-Fetal Specialist, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Mindy Quesenberry, Owner of Radiant Vida
Theresa Sweeney-Miller (formerly Kwayi), Chief Human Resource Officer and VP HR Consulting, CBY Professional Services
George Margetas, Esq., Owner & Partner at Margetas Legal LLC
Bernice Quesenberry, President & Founder of Chasing the Rainbows

Want to get involved?

We need Volunteers! If you believe in us, you have lived experience or want to host a fundraiser in honor of someone.......
PLEASE reach out to us!