Funeral Assistance Programs

Available for funeral, burial, cremation, headstones & more

Financial Resources to start your baby loss journey

Angel Names Association​

Provides financial assistance for families of stillborn babies, to assist with expenses related to: Autopsy, funeral, burial, cremation, cemetary plot, headstone, etc.

Cael's Angels​

Helps qualifying families with  financial support for the costs associated with burial/funeral expenses. Also can help with autopsy expenses when insurance coverage will not. Qualifying families can request financial support for the costs associated with the full evaluation of a stillbirth (as funds are available)

Heaven's Gain​

Early loss and Trimester specific caskets, Baby Specific Urns, and Baby Loss Books

Kelly Ryan Foundation​

Provides burial costs to families nationwide, who are grieving pregnancy or infant loss.

Luca John Foundation​

Provides financial assistance to cover funeral costs.

Rebecca's Reason​

Provides financial assistance to families who have lost a child or received a life-limiting diagnosis for a child. They help with medical or funeral expenses.

Skyler's Gift​

Supports families in need that have exhausted other efforts to find funding for funeral and mortuary costs (when there is a loss due to prematurity). Families may apply for funding for up to $1000 makes payment directly to funeral home to cover costs.

The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation

Providing financial assistance to families in crisis due to high-risk and complicates pregnancies, NICU stays, or baby loss.


We are so heartbroken that you are here and lost your precious baby. We have a village of survivors behind you that know what you are going through and are here alongside you in your journey. We NEED to LIFE together!