Begin Your Healing Journey

Uniting, supporting and connecting infertility, pregnancy loss and infant loss survivors.

Support Programs & Services

We offer different support services for each survivor to pick what works for them. It’s about the survivor having options during the most horrific time to see what will help them most when coping and living after their traumatic loss.

Peer Led Support Groups

Three (3) groups everyday.
Free. Virtual. Peer to Peer. Daily.

Our perinatal bereavement peer support group can help those cope and live with this significant traumatic loss. We hold up to three (3) virtual support groups a day to support survivors when they are needing or seeking comfort. Our volunteers are baby loss survivors and trauma informed trained.

Peer Mentor

Our trauma trained volunteers all have different baby loss stories and journeys who are paired with survivors. Someone similar to them will do weekly or daily check-ins based on what the survivor wants, the way the survivor wants it via call, text, etc.

Individual Trauma Therapy

When survivors are trying to figure out life after our loss, they do not need to be calling around to different therapists. It's tough getting a call back or getting in within 90 days for your first appointment. We have relationships with licensed trauma therapists to avoid wait times, extra bills for survivors and getting them the help when they are asking for it.

Weekly Podcast

Our Cry It Out Loud! Podcast is on all major streaming platforms for free for all survivors to hear. It's about living after our traumatic losses. We host a monthly "Ask A Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor" about your loss to help with processing and closure for the questions we never got to ask or thought of during the whirlwind of events when losing our baby.

Online Survivor Community

Our Facebook Private Support Pages has fellow survivors rallying around one another. We have 3 different support pages: Pregnancy & Infant Loss, Fertility Loss - TTC/IVF/IUI, and Pregnancy After Loss. This is another way we want to support you and walk beside you in your baby loss journey.

Yoga, Mediate, Breath

Soothing self care, self love and time to be with what is. Connect to your breath and body through nervous system regulation, mindful movement of the heart and meditative emotional processing. A time to SOOTHE your soul! We have recorded videos for when survivors need it most and monthly live sessions to be with fellow loss survivors.

Resources for the Support System

We educate and provide resources to the family and support systems of the baby loss survivors. Baby loss effects the whole family, to know how to help, be there for them and know what they need most gives the supports direction in how to truly help.

Coping Care Packages, Holiday Cards, & Birthday Cards

We provide an array of coping methods and techniques for survivors to do when they are having overwhelming grief and trauma responses. Specifically sent items tailored towards the families' type of loss or journey. We are trying to figure out what works for us during this traumatic loss so we provide different items for them to try.

Community Events & Advocacy

We are making strides to break the silence around baby loss. It is an uncomfortable and unimaginable topic for people who have not been through it to understand. We are breaking those barriers by advocating, educating and honoring out loud in our communities for our fellow baby loss survivors. We host different community events, news appearances, and public speaking engagements to bring together community leaders and survivors to crack the stigma.

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! Contact us below.

We are so heartbroken that you are here and either you or a loved one lost a baby. We have a village of survivors behind you that know what you are going through and are here alongside you in your journey. We NEED to LIFE all together!